I have Jupiter and Ketu in Aries in my sixth house. Not with Ashwini. With Bharani. This time feels familiar. Feels like my central repeating patterns are at the forefront. Today feels like a good day for a healing bath. If I had a horse I could ride I would go riding. I’m asking myself what is being initiated. What wants to be healed? Thank you for doing this Jenn! It helps so much.

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Thank you for your encouragement <3!

I have Saturn with Ashwini in my 2nd house (in mutual exchange with Mars so not really debilitating). You're right, it feels like...here we go again...diving into another round of the sacred spiral inward. What am I going to do with all this insight I've gained? How will I put it to good use? Will I speak from that higher place, of inner knowing and authority or will I hide like I have in the past (putting my head in the sand like an ostrich). I can tell you that I'm ready to stand on these two feet and speak in a crystal clear way, without excuse or agenda. I'm entranced by this story of my life right now.

And I love these conversations. We keep saying we are going to have them and then we don't. <3

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I don’t have any Ashwini in my chart, but I am definitely feeling the NEW and the healing, BIG time. Thank you for sharing your insights Jenn, I love them.

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Totally get that. With Jupiter now transiting your 5th house, activating this new spiral into mission and purpose. <3

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