And so it begins.
Today Moon transits Ashwini, joining Jupiter, Rahu and Mercury, amplifying this energy of the new initiation of life, a new healing, a new journey.
This is Stellar Wisdom 101. It is baby steps for those just learning about the nakshatras and trying to absorb them practically in bite size pieces, mostly in plain English.
The 27 sets of nakshatras are also called lunar mansions, the abode of the moon each night, or ‘stars’ - although more accurately the nakshatras are big portions of the sky/groups of stars, not a single star. These nakshatras are Way Out There. Way past the planets of the solar system. They are associated with our causal body, our soul body, the whole of who we are as a spark of the one. We can understand the karma that is coming ripe for us to process as we understand the nakshatras that were being transmitted by planets and stamped us at the time the cord was cut (we talk about this more in 2 more days).
Through quantum physics we can start to understand that ‘way out there’ is also ‘inside here.’ As above, so below. I’m not a scientist and am a beginner in many ways, but I know you get the gist: It’s all in here, in this body, in this universe, in this vessel. Let’s not look out there for answers, but inside. Feel this resonate in your body vs. understanding logically.
Now, Ashwini:
It is the first of the 27 Nakshatras at the very beginning of Aries. Just like Aries is the beginning of the Zodiac, Ashwini is also at the beginning.
It is when the sperm and the egg (sidenote: the sperm and egg are the last of the 7 tissues, the shukra, which is interestingly also the name of Venus) combine into one cell, the initial cell, the start of a new life, a new journey, in order to find a healing. We are always yearning to return to our wholeness, oneness, togetherness and we search for it in many ways. We came from two, became one thing that was part of a bigger one (mama), incubated for 9 months, then cut away from that.
It is an endless cycle of birth, growth, transformation, death, incubation, rebirth. These cycles play out in our physical life, in our karmic cycles (dashas), and we can try to understand the flavor by understanding the nakshatras.
Ashwini is the initiation.
It is fast. Like a horse.
It is instinctual. Like a horse.
It will buck you off before you know the why and the what for.
It is also brings intuitive and quick healing.
If you have Ashwini in your chart you are likely a person who has a lot of horse people in your life or are a horse person, have a lot of healers in your life to guide you on a healing journey or are a healer. It really depends on the lay of your lands, your blueprint.
When Moon transits Ashwini, like it is doing today, you might find that a healing of something in on deck for you. Or there is an initiation of a new project, a new job, a new idea sparks, etc. It is interesting to pay attention to what does arise for you. And this is relevant with or without planets in your chart with Ashwini. You are still powerfully affected by Moon transiting Ashwini.
Think of the planets transiting these nakshatras as moving the gears within you. A planet moves in the zodiac, an inner gear moves forward or back, activating whatever its job is to activate (depending on your stored karma).
Ketu is the ruler of Ashwini and that is showing that the intelligence of Ashwini is not in the head. It is in the instinctual body. It is from past life experience and understanding that is beyond comprehension by our limited, conditioned mind of this life experience. When there is Ketu involved, there is also this snappiness or arrogance of knowing that can show up at times.
Jupiter is transiting Ashwini also. Jupiter entered Ashwini on April 22nd.
Rahu and Mercury are also transiting Ashwini and that can lead us into karmic messes so we get some past life healing coming our way. We are not going to understand the why and it happens lightning fast. Rest assured, it is all good for growth and transformation ultimately. But we still need discernment and to step into our autonomy and co-participate with what is showing up.
Say ‘No.’
Or say ‘Yes.”
You will make the right decisions for the medicine needed now.
A few years ago I chose songs for each of the nakshatras based on how I was feeling them during that time. Here is what I picked for Ashwini:
I love Q&A so if you want to post some questions in the comments or the chat, I’ll likely be responsive. It helps me know how relevant my writing is so I know if I should take it up or down a notch. Let me know.
I have Jupiter and Ketu in Aries in my sixth house. Not with Ashwini. With Bharani. This time feels familiar. Feels like my central repeating patterns are at the forefront. Today feels like a good day for a healing bath. If I had a horse I could ride I would go riding. I’m asking myself what is being initiated. What wants to be healed? Thank you for doing this Jenn! It helps so much.
I don’t have any Ashwini in my chart, but I am definitely feeling the NEW and the healing, BIG time. Thank you for sharing your insights Jenn, I love them.