This morning Saturn arrived in Aquarius and will be here for the next 2+ years. In eastern/Vedic astrology (different than the astrology you may be familiar with in the west), Saturn is considered the most impactful planet in the Zodiac. So when he makes a move, we listen. We really have no other choice in some ways, we just may not understand the language and the ways the energy is affecting us. But we are affected, all of us are. And you can just consider his last cycle in 2020-2022 and how it affected you in Capricorn.
But now he is in Aquarius. (PTL)
I thought I’d give you some more information about Saturn (Shani in the Vedic tradition).
He (this energy) signifies one’s own time and durability; longevity; focus; lessons; justice; the common man; old age; steady and dependable work; livelihood; seeking enlightenment through isolation and restraint; cause of death; adversity and prosperity; limitations; setbacks, delays; theft, lost things; concentration, introspection, meditation; vata (air) Ayurvedic constitution.
Occupations: expert in the affairs of aging and death, coroner, mortician, executioner, farmer, gardener, landscaper, landholder, specialists in antiquarian topcis, social worker, manual laborer, craftsman (mason, carpenter, etc.), monk, iron or steel worker, oil and mineral worker, geologist, animal expert or handler, real estate salesperson, land manager or planner, servant (works to keep others organized), time-keeper, punisher (censures others’ wrongdoings).
(excerpted from Beneath a Vedic Sky by Wm. Levacy)
Saturn is always affecting us in some area of our life, good or bad. The areas of our life are the “houses” that are set in place based on the time of birth. For instance, Saturn was transiting my 11th house when he was in Capricorn, and now he is transiting my 12th house. But also, we look from the Moon which is the 8/9th houses. I know it sounds complicated, but there is a lot of value in being able to see the lessons from a distance or wider focus than being in the heat of challenge (if that is the case).
Saturn can be a big blindspot in our chart because we don’t want to do the hard work of becoming humble like a servant. What is meant by humbleness is that Saturn’s benevolence comes when we are able to bow down our ego in order for our essential nature, our true awareness, to shine forth. When that happens, we are rewarded immensely. Saturn’s goal is to help us do that and he does it through time, restraint, difficulties, challenges, setbacks, delays, illness etc. so that we take the big PAUSE, meditate, reflect and regroup. But that regrouping is about allowing that awareness to shine through.
This is not a lesson that the western ego likes to hear about.
Tonight in class we will pause to consider how this works in our life. I have three more spots left in the 6-7:30pm class and you are welcome to message me privately to claim a spot if you’d like to attend.
Best of everything to you as we start out this new cycle. <3
I did not realize you offered a class. I am in NC. Are you in a different time zonne and how does one join? What is the class called and what is the cost.
Sounds good Jenn. Thank you!